

Adesola Fadahunsi joins expert-led discussion at GTR West Africa 2023 in Lagos

What is the impact of West Africa sovereign debt? Last week Adesola Fadahunsi took part in an expert-led discussion at #GTRWestAfrica 2023 in Lagos assessing the impact of downgrades and debt restructurings on infrastructure development and local financing providers.

With significant domestic and external debt restructuring high on the public sector agenda, the panel discussions highlighted the increasing importance of #tradecreditsolutions and #ECA programs to assist the economy achieve its regional development ambitions.

Axendo believes there is a need for alternative credit support. Through trade credit solutions, we provide corporate organisations with extended credit to support cash flow, and financing structures for pre-export that are beneficial to all exporters. Meanwhile, we are proud to enable manufacturing and infrastructure by delivering turnkey procurement solutions sourced for the best-in-class capital goods and machinery.

Impressed to hear the speakers providing insights into these key topics impacting the region. Thanks to Global Trade Review (GTR) and all the input from Steven Gray OBE (UK Export Finance), Alfred Idialu and Kayode Oladipo (Clifford Chance).

Looking forward to supporting West Africa’s ongoing development and providing new solutions to facilitate trade and infrastructure across the region.